Ketogenic diet for migraine: a study (n=1)
Tl;dr: the ketogenic diet helped (me) reduce drastically migraine intensity and frequency
The Concorde achieved General birdness (1979)
This is a watershed moment for science, not just a takeoff point.
The Challenges of Distributing Your AI App
These problems are impossible to ignore
Safety Filters make LLMs defective tools
… and how smarter implementations can turn them from obstacles to allies.
I wrote a music album without music knowledge nor AI
Sometimes it’s about the humans
Bullshit as gameplay: a revolution in video-games
A new kind of AI-augmented visual novel where you have to bullshit your way into success
Sharpen your AI tools for dull work
Give me six hours to chop down a tree, and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.
Apocryphal Abraham Lincoln
Teaching the rubber duck to talk back
How to use LLMs to improve your writing
A view into the genesis of an illustration.
An overview of (functional) Front-end free development technologies
In search of web programming that doesn’t feel like javascript.
the medium and the message and the humans
A metapost about learning to write (technical?) content.
Hackers and painters and pixels
How I got started with (hybrid) pixel art and more considerations on (learning) painting and programming.
Launching an AI breaks Firefox, launching a Steam game repairs it
Computer science can be fun. Bugs even more.
Pop2piano, AI midi piano covers (fully automated to Youtube)
Faking human music with computers.
Journalism under attack: turning a scam from the New Yorker into a DIY opportunity
Don’t get tricked by a cute tote bag gift.
Hacker News genius catfishing
This post will not name anybody.
150 days of Wobblepaint
One day of 2020, I stumbled upon a hn thread mysteriously titled “Wobblepaint”
AI art should do better (why I trained Dreambooth on my last 2 years of drawings)
After Stable Diffusion was made available to run locally, letting people use AI art without abusive terms and conditions, I decided to try it. Before long I fell into the rabbithole.